20 Sep Ruby part 4, active support: dates, hashes, strings
Active support
to intall it
$ gem install activesupport $ gem install i18n
to load it
require 'active_support/all'
Some core extension: Date
mybirthday = Datime.new(2000,12,12,12,12,12) # december 12, 2012, 12:12:12 hrs mybirthday.at_beginning_of_day #december 12, 2012 00:00:00 mybirthday.at_end_of_month #december 31 23:59:59 mybirthday.at_beggining_of_year #january 01, 00:00:00
Core extension: hash
options = {name: 'heriberto', age: '25'} new_options = {name: 'heriberto', age: '25', address: 'cohuila 1608'}
Diference between two hashes
Turns keys into strings
options.stringify_keys #{'name' => 'heriberto', 'age'=>'25'}
Using reverse_merge
options = {name: 'heriberto', age: '25'} new_options = {name: 'clau', age: '19', address: 'cohuila 1608'} options.reverse_merge(new_options) #this will generate options = {name: 'heriberto', age: '25', address: 'cohauila 1608'}
Removing one key
options = {name: 'heriberto', age: '25', address: 'cohauila 1608'} options.except(:address) #this will be the result {name: 'heriberto', age: '25'}
Even and odd numbers
puts “Impar” if number.even?#2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 puts “Par” if number.odd?#1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17 def background-class(number) return 'white' if number.even? return 'gray' if number.odd? end tweets.each_with_index do |tweet, index| <div class='#{background-class(index)}'>"#{tweet}"</div> end
Using Inflector
"#{1.ordinarize} Place" #this will print “1st Place” "#{23.ordinarize} Place" # This will print “23rd Place”
"woman".singularize # print “Woman” "Woman".pluralize # print “Women”
Some exercise to practice a little(Exercises taken from codeschool.com)
Implement the last_games method below to return the games from the passed index to the end of the list. Try usingArray#from to return all games starting from ‘Contra’. Also change the call to last_games to pass in the correct index.
def last_games(games, index) games.from(index) end games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"] puts last_games(games, 1)
We have a last_games method, but we need a first_games method as well. Use Array#to to return the list of games up to Metroid. Also change the call to first_games to take in the correct index.
def first_games(games, index) games.to(index) end games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"] puts first_games(games, 2)
Implement the anniversary method below to return a DateTime representing the given number of years after the game’s release date.
def anniversary(game, years) game[:release].advance(:years => 20) #or we can add #game[:release] + var.years end game = { name: 'Contra', release: DateTime.new(1987, 2, 20, 0, 0, 0) } puts anniversary(game, 20)
Using ActiveSupport, return the difference between Mario’s favorite games and Luigis’s favorite games by implementing the difference_between method.
def difference_between(player1, player2) player1.diff(player2) end mario_favorite = { sports: "Mario Sports Mix", action: "Super Mario World" } luigi_favorite = { sports: "Golf", action: "Super Mario World" } puts difference_between(mario_favorite, luigi_favorite)
Hashes – Part 2
Implement the exclude_character method below to return characters except the passed in character. Use ActiveSupport to return these key/pair values. Also, change the call to exclude_character so that yoshi’s games are excluded.
def exclude_character(games, character) games.except(character) end games = { mario: ["Super Mario World", "Super Smash Bros. Melee"], luigi: ["Luigi's Mansion"], yoshi: ["Yoshi's Island", "Yoshi's Story"] } puts exclude_character(games, :yoshi)
def describe_count(games) if games.empty? "You have no games" elsif games.length.even? "You have an even number of games" elsif games.length.odd? "You have an odd number of games" end end games = ["Super Mario Bros.", "Contra", "Metroid", "Mega Man 2"] puts describe_count(games)
Implement the convert_title method to use one of String’s core extension methods. Given the input below, this method should return the string ‘Super Mario Bros.’
def convert_title(title) title.titleize end puts convert_title("super mario bros.")
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