15 May How to retry when exceptions happens in Ruby on Rails
A really simple retry when exceptions happen in Ruby on Rails as in this example I’m using a `find_by` from ActiveRecord ORM.
@tries = 5 def find_this_guy sleep 5 my_record = MyModel.find_by!(id: 66, other_boolean_field: true) Rails.logger.error "==== Success ====" if my_record rescue Exception => e Rails.logger.error e.to_s.red @tries -= 1 if @tries > 0 Rails.logger.debug 'Searching this guy'.yellow find_this_guy else Rails.logger.error "Error: #{e}".red raise e end end
If we run that method in the Rails console, we will see a few attempts to find that record and it will retry 5 times, in case we want to see the `Success` message, we can open a new Rails console terminal and update that model field to satisfy our `find_by` line and the method will stop retrying as soon as that condition is met.
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