How to execute shell commands using ruby in a rake task

How to execute shell commands using ruby in a rake task

In the past days I attended the event which it was a really good start in the Golang world, I learned some stuff about Golang, after to read this previous sentences you are going to say WTF is this post about ruby or Golang well I wanted to start writting about the Gophergala because the code that we are going create is created with the aim and purpose of cloning all the repositories from an account in this case the gophergala organization using ruby in a rake task, Why Am I doing this? just to put in only one place all these great resources (I will put in my account all of this repositories in one repository).

We need to create our Gemfile with the code bellow:

source ''
gem 'httparty'
gem 'pry'
gem 'rake'

Then we have to run the command:

bundle install

I have created a class to retrieve all the repositories name using the github api, this is how it looks my github_downloader.rb file:

require 'httparty'

class GithubDownloader
  def self.get_all_repositories
    page = 0
    repo_array = []
    loop do
      url = "{page}&per_page=100"
      repositories = HTTParty.get(url)

      repositories.each do |repo|
        repo_array << repo['clone_url']

      break if repositories.empty?

    return repo_array

Now let’s create our Rakefile file with the following code:

require './github_downloader'
require 'pry'

namespace :downloader do
  desc "Print a hello world message"
  task :gopher_gala_repositories do
    repositories = GithubDownloader.get_all_repositories
    repositories.each do |repo_name|
      sh "cd ~/Home/my_directory; git clone #{repo_name}"

In the previous code I’m cloning all the repositories inside my_directory folder as simple as that.

Well this is most useful in the code in the world that’s why I’m writting it, LOL.

BTW if you want to find all the resources and repositories created during the Gophergala this is what you are looking for:


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