26 Mar Creating records (models) from step definitions using attachtments in cucumber
This is an example using step definitions in cucumber for creating a models that uses paperclip attachments:
My Factory content:
FactoryGirl.define do |box| factory :spree_banner_box, :class => 'Spree::BannerBox' do alt_text '' url '' enabled true end end
My file is features/step_definitions/banners_step.rb and the content:
Given(/^The defaults banners are created$/) do 14.times do |x| box = "box-#{ x + 1 }" banner_values = { alt_text: '', url: '', category: box, banner_type: 'photo', attachment: File.new("#{Rails.root}/spec/fixtures/images/home/#{ box }.png"), enabled: true } FactoryGirl.create :spree_banner_box, banner_values end 5.times do |box| box_category = "box-#{ box + 1 }-text" banner_values = { alt_text: '', url: '', category: box_category, banner_type: 'text', attachment: File.new("#{Rails.root}/spec/fixtures/images/home/#{ box_category }.png"), enabled: true } FactoryGirl.create :spree_banner_box, banner_values end end
And now we can use it in our feature
my file is located in features/banners.feature:
@javascript Feature: My feature Background: Given The defaults banners are created
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