How to run a Rails app in production mode locally with Puma

How to run a Rails app in production mode locally with Puma

Sometimes, you need to debug an error with assets generation y/o in the context of production environment, for such cases, here, I’m sharing a few steps you can follow in order to run your Rails application in production mode.

Prepare your https/ssl certificates:

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -keyout localhost.key -out localhost.crt

Skip most of the info if you want and after that you will get these two files(copy them into a specific folder file):
– localhost.crt
– localhost.key

Prepare your secret or any other environment variables that you need for your application

RAILS_ENV=production be rake secret
export SECRET_KEY_BASE=fb8a46298cb2eaa1b33bd18b8c41273d74902ec34aabd20dd4ce9211e7168fdc4f41e8309cf69589e10c3969922d63f23b94c47837a6ac0f0e99409409404

Update the `config/database.yml` for production file according to your user/pass

username: 'xx'
password: xxxx

Create your database and run migrations:

RAILS_ENV=production be rake db:create
RAILS_ENV=production be rake db:migrate

Clean old assets:

 rm -rf public/assets

Precompile and install assets:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

NOTE: If you are making any changes to your assets, before running the precompile command, remember to clean-up assets before:

RAILS_ENV=production be rake assets:clobber

In case you want to re-use the development data you can export/import that in the following format (If you are using Postgresql):

pg_dump --no-owner --no-acl -d my_database_development > yourdatabasedump
psql -d my_database < yourdatabasedump

Run the server in production mode:

be puma -b 'ssl://' -e production

And allow Chrome to visit that using the advanced option (non secure visit)

In the case that you want to go to the Rails console, you can do so by running:

RAILS_ENV=production rails console

Having troubles with this guide? follow me and let me know in my twitter account @heridev


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