08 Aug Using Omniauth github to login and restricting depending on the organization
First you need to create your personal Api and developer application in the follow url in github.com site:
The gems required in Gemfile:
gem 'omniauth-github' gem 'httparty'
API_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("#{Rails.root}/config/api_config.yml")[Rails.env] Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :developer unless Rails.env.production? provider :github, API_CONFIG['key'], API_CONFIG['token'] end
The fileconfig/api_config.yml and its content:
github_key: &github_key token: ENV['token'] key: ENV['key'] organization: hackd staging:< <<: *github_key development: <<: *github_key production: <<: *github_key test: <<: *github_key [/ruby] the file app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb the content: [ruby] require 'net/http' class SessionsController < ApplicationController def new end def create reset_session # see http://guides.rubyonrails.org/security.html#session-fixation info = request.env["omniauth.auth"] belongs_to_organization? info["credentials"]["token"] session[:name] = info["info"]["name"] || info["info"]["email"] || info["info"]["nickname"] || "fellow Ruby on Rails enthusiast" redirect_to events_path, :notice => "Welcome #{session[:name]}!" end def failure redirect_to login_url, :alert => 'Sorry, there was something wrong with your login attempt. Please try again.' end def destroy reset_session flash[:notice] = "Logged out." redirect_to events_path end private def belongs_to_organization? token url = "https://api.github.com/user/orgs?access_token=#{token}" @organizations = HTTParty.get(url) @organizations.map!{|x| x["login"]}.include? API_CONFIG['organization'] end end
Michael Grosser
Posted at 04:50h, 30 AugustThanks for sharing, exactly what I was looking for, ran into the same security issue :)