paperclip, Rails, spree / 01.07.2014

I decided to add a new image for a product in spree and in that scenario there is a generator provided by paperclip with the purpose of generate that new attachment I tried to run the following command: [shell] rails generate paperclip spree_products specs [/shell] Buuuuuuuut I received the following error: `migration_file_name': protected method `migration_file_name' called for # (NoMethodError)
spree / 12.06.2014

If you want to apply some javascript functions in a spree view you can do something like: [ruby] => 'spree/addresses/edit', :name => 'my_name_javascript_functionality', :insert_bottom => ".inner", :partial => '/spree/shared/my_partial_with_javascript_functions') [/ruby] content for [shell] /spree/shared/my_partial_with_javascript_functions.html.erb [/shell]
Rails, spree / 12.06.2014

Well, it is pretty straightforward you just need to add the favicon in the following locations: [shell] app/assets/images/favicon.ico and public/favicon.ico [/shell] And don't forget to add the tag in your header or your layout: [ruby] <%= favicon_link_tag image_path('favicon.ico') %> [/ruby] by the way you can generate a favicon in the following website: That's it you...

Rails, Ruby, spree / 04.04.2014

hello guys I want to write about selectors, overriding, and defaces in spree with the DSL for Spree: In this time I want to share the code that I have created for a simple task. The scenario is the following: I want to edit option type values in the admin section, if you take a look into the code of spree you'll see that some of the views responsible for the option type edition are located in: [shell] backend/view/spree/admin/option_types/_option_value_fields.html.erb [/shell] and [shell] backend/view/spree/admin/option_types/edit.html.erb [/shell]
cucumber, Rails, rspec, Ruby, spree, Testing, tumblr / 28.03.2014

Consuming Tumblr blog from your website using Ruby on Rails (Spree), Backbone and Tumblr Api You need to have an account on tumblr of course and generate the application to be able to consume the tumblr api: About the default callback you can choose any url for example: http:://localhost:3000 Then generate the application oauth in the following url: Add the following gem to your Gemfile: [ruby] gem 'tumblr_client' [/ruby]