Control versions

Find the commit where the things are working correctly: [shell]in my case: 5b2f156 or the whole commit 5b2f156e43e25f71df55bbd0bc887662c48937a59[/shell] Find the commit where the things are not working or are failing: [shell]in my case: 66b6b6be43e25f71df55bd0bc887662c49937a59[/shell] Lets find the root of the problem: [shell]git bisect start[/shell] specify the good commit [shell]git bisect good 5b2f156[/shell] Specify...

Now before to start i'll show you a little introduction about git and the benefits to use it

How to install Git in you Mac or Linux
To obtain more infor about certain command in git we can use
[shell]$ git help command e.g. git help diff[/shell] To use a certain name of user in the commit we can declare that [shell]$  git config --global “heriberto perez” [/shell] [shell]$ git config --global[/shell]